Money Tree

The benefits of having organizational systems in place are endless.  Here are two simple systems to put in place before the year’s end.

Health and Wellness

If you have a healthcare flexible spending account, depending on the account, the money you contribute may need to be spent before the end of the year or you could lose it.

  1. If possible schedule appointments and toss expired items from the medicine cabinet and replace them with new items before year-end.
  2. Acupuncture, chiropractic, and potentially massage services, can be purchased with funds from the flexible spending account.
  3. Contact your FSA administrator for a list of eligible expenses and required documentation.
  4. In a clearly labeled section of an expandable envelope or an electronic folder, store your healthcare-related receipts for a particular year.


Donations and Giving

The end of the calendar year is an opportunity to make physical donations that could be deductible on your tax return.

  1. Clear out items from your pantry and closets and make room for new gifts that you and your family may receive.
  2. Designate an area of your home to keep a donation bag.
  3. Place a notepad and pen near your donation container and as you fill the box write a simple description of each item and its estimated value.
  4. Schedule a time to drop off donations and obtain a receipt from the donation center before the year-end.
  5. File your receipt and list of items donated with their estimated value in a folder labeled “Taxes YYYY”


May your simple and consistent organizational efforts pay you back – in health,  goodwill, and much more!